Thursday, March 24, 2011

another cell pic post!

here are our almost 4 week old babys! the two blondies are our first buff orpingtons these are the first chicks that arnt easter eggers that weve raised from lil babys were currently waiting for a shipment of 10 seabright chicks to make our flock complete!
these were them when they were only a week old

them today! they look like raptors

the one sticking her neck out is my sisters heleana and the two yellow babys are opal and ophilia

this ee has yet to get a name but her feathers sure are amazing so far though she seems to be lagging a bit behind the others!

this is our crooked beak sparrow as you can see its pretty bad we were pretty sure we'd have to put her down! but shes been doing great lately just messy XD

one of the two buffys <3 there so big compared to the ee's

there feathers are covered with patterns its rather interesting

this is ishtar shes one of the ee;s but shes growing a comb! none of the others do im starting to think shes actually a she ><" but her feathers are a blueish grey and have red etching! very pretty its rather a rusty red!

there brooder with its roost that they love so much!

forgive me these are pretty bad pictures taken on my phone ^^

these are the new two month old girls:
the grey one is an Easter egger and so is the white splash one (grey ones name is cinder cloud is the white one)

lol and theres neffi making a weird face ^^"

theres the two ee's with eva our only black copper marin (not sure how to spell that)

just some more pictures i found while searching today

luna and neffi

the big girls as chicks!

lol actually nefertiti as a week old chick weird huh?

the big girls as chicks again

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

oh the feathers!

this is our chick daddy Andrew and his broken dog pose
today i went after school to check on how the molting girls were doing. and what do i find? but miss Nefertiti has lost so many feathers that the floor is covered with them! it looks like a pillow fight! there are feathers every where! and what dose neffi do? she walks up to me and dose the "i want a treat now" stare. i felt so bad i had to give them to her! so her and the other two gathered around as i fed them some dried crickets and talked to me while they stuffed there faces. Nancy Drew jumped up and sat in my lap as the others stood next to me when treat time was over. They all had something to say and led me over to the mouse traps we have been forced to put out due to the overflowing population of mice that as scaring all the girls in the garage! so we were standing there Nancy poking the trap with her feet and the other two standing on either side of me. Nancy lets out this long low "BAAAAAAAAAAAAWLK" and walks back to the steps and looks at me like "what the heck are you still doing over there?"

Monday, March 21, 2011

the dog the cat and the girls

Hi this is my first post on my thread!
uhhhmmm... oh! first some info on me and my chaos!
     hi my name is lizzie and i live with my sister and my mum and dad. about two years ago we got our first four easter eggers since then we've lost a few but as it stands we have! nancy drew nefertiti and miss luna! we have a golden retriever that's almost six now(andrew)  and an almost 7 month old cat named tardis!
   just recently we've gotten cloud cinder and eva (all but miss eva are ee crosses eva is a black copper marin!)
we also have six brooding chicks but not all of them have names ><" there are two buff orpies and the rest are Easter eggers (we really like the eggs)!
Luna <3

Nancy drew

                                                                     these are our big girls though there a bit fatter now ^^" and luna and nefi are molting neither of them are laying eggs *looks at nancy* and because there not laying neither is the ninja nancy drew even though i had a very serious talk with her!